Please fill it by using the English alphabet characters. When using accented characters, please use only the following: á, é, í, ő, ű, ú, ó
Pay special attention to typing, when using tablet, mobile phone, etc.

Account setting

Please select a user name and password for your personal Biocom account: (you need this to login to our webshop and/or manage your personal Biocom account)

Personal details
Date of birth DD-MM-YYYY*

Adózási forma: ÚJ-KATA*
It can be officially linked to a company: owner, member, employee.
Billing adresss

The address you provide here, determines in which webshop you can order the products from Biocom (or local partner company) Please enter the address where you live.

Shipping adresss

This could be your work address or any address, where you request the order to be delivered. (Eg. Neighbors, relatives, etc.)

Contact information